The Denial of Death en The Denial of Death <article role="article" class="quote teaser clearfix"><h2> <a href="" rel="bookmark"><span>The Denial of Death</span> </a> </h2> <div class="content"> <ul class="links inline list-inline"><li class="node-readmore"><a href="" rel="tag" title="The Denial of Death" hreflang="en">Read more<span class="visually-hidden"> about The Denial of Death</span></a></li></ul><div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field--item"><p> ...The lower animals, of course, spared this painful contradiction, as they lack a symbolic identity and the self-consciousness that goes with it. They merely act and move reflexively as they are driven by their instincts. If they pause at all, it is only a physical pause; inside they are anonymous, and even their faces have no name. They live in a world without time, pulsating, as it were, in a state of dumb being...The knowledge of death is reflective and conceptual, and animals are spared it.</p></div> </div> </article> Fri, 30 Apr 2010 23:04:24 +0000 Shawn Conn 80 at